Cuisipro Donvier Electronic Yogurt Maker
It seems like owners of the Cuisipro Donvier Electronic Yogurt Maker was inspired by Mirielle Guiliano’s “French Women Don’t Get Fat” that they decided to start eating yogurt. One of those inspired souls was my aunt. So, when I visited her last winter, I got to test drive this yogurt maker myself.
Great Electronic Control
The best thing about this yogurt maker is that the controls are instinctual and the digital LCD display is clear. The Cuisipro Donvier Electronic Yogurt Maker has an electric timer that will beep to indicate that the yogurt is nearly ready to be eaten. And as soon as it’s ready, it will auto shut off itself. However, do place the yogurt maker in such away that the controls would be hidden as it is very sensitive. A wrong touch of a button could just turn off the machine and spoil your milk.